Student Life & Leadership
Student Ambassadors
Student Clubs & Organizations
Student Government Association
Student Club & Organization Resources
Club & Organization Information
- Proposal for Establishing Student Club or Organizations
- Club & Organization Deposit Form
- Club & Organization Payment Request
Raffles are not permitted. A raffle is a form of lottery in which one or more persons buy one or more chances to win a prize. Please refer to the North Carolina General Statute § 14-309.15.
Fundraising Ideas to Consider
Sell products: The most frequent fundraiser used by student organizations are catered food sales, popcorn sales, and the sale of organization t-shirts and/or promotional items.
Have an entry fee for an activity: Maybe your student organization is hosting a competition, a conference, or a guest speaker or performance. Student organizations are permitted to charge for these kinds of ticketed activities.
Provide services for a fee: Can your student organization provide a fee-for-service to someone? Cater a lunch, wash cars, yard/lawn work, or provide another service based on the skills in your group. Please refer to the “fee-for-service” section below for further guidance.
- Gift-In-Kind Donation Form
- Graphics Request Form – Advisors please log into SharePoint. The Graphics Request Form is located on the right side of the home page under “Frequently Used Forms”.